Turok Wiki

Cole was the captain of Whiskey Company, making a minor appearance during the events of Turok.


Following Joseph Turok's transfer to Whiskey Company, Cole would introduce him to his new allies, scolding Slade for speaking out of turn. He would also provide a small briefing on their mission to capture Roland Kane. Their ship would be shot down over the planet, and he would be one of the survivors, securing a base camp in a dense jungle.

As Turok, Slade, and Reese found their way to the crash site, Cole would speak with Logan, checking up on his head injury, before ordering him to scour other crash sites for ammunition or supplies. He would then brief Turok, stating they needed a way off world immediately, ordering him to find the comm unit.

After Turok returned to base with the comm unit, he would report to Cole. Before the two could talk, John Grimes fired an arrow, deflecting it off of Turok's quiver, and striking Cole in the chest, killing him immediately. Following his death, Logan would take command of Whiskey Company's remnants and they would leave the main crash site in search of a space-capable ship.




List of appearances[]

Characters of Turok
Whiskey Company CarterColeCowboyFosterGonzalesHendersonJerichoJoseph TurokLoganLewisParkerReeseShepardSladeUnidentified prisoner
Wolf Pack John GrimesRobert SladeRoland Kane
Miscellaneous Alpha TeamBeta TeamBravo TeamColombian drug cartelDelta TeamGamma Team (Whiskey Company)Gamma Team (Mendel-Gruman)Mendel-Gruman scientistsMendel-Gruman CorporationUnidentified Colombian girlV-M