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Cowboy was a member of Whiskey Company, making a minor appearance in Turok.


Following the devastating crash of Whiskey Company's ship, Cowboy was split off from Whiskey, and stranded, left with a few survivors by his side. He was the last survivor of his section of the wrecked ship by the time Joseph Turok found him in an effort to retrieve the comm unit. Turok would slay the nearby dinosaurs and Mendel-Gruman units, being ordered by Slade to bring him back safely.

As the fight ended, Joseph stated he'd seen Wolf Pack members in the jungle, before Cowboy was struck by an arrow. He was tended to be Parker, with Turok and Slade getting into a heated, but brief fight. Cowboy remained at Whiskey's camp, but would openly defend Turok as Slade drew a combat knife on him. He would then take the comm unit as a fight between Mendel forces and Whiskey erupted at the camp site.

In the aftermath of the conflict, Cowboy would leave with Logan, Jericho, Shepard, and Reese, with the group eventually reconvening with Slade and Turok. A heated argument between Logan, Turok, and Cowboy would result in a large firefight breaking out, and ultimately, Logan and Jericho would die. Cowboy would again split off, remaining with Reese and Slade until Turok and Shepard could find them. The group would find the ruins of the ship they were looking for, and would then shift gears, making their way to an enormous Mendel-Gruman complex. Reese would be picked off by John Grimes and while Turok would successfully plant C-4 on the base's generator, Cowboy and the remnants of Whiskey could be captured by Roland Kane and Grimes.


"You're wrong, Kane. Without Turok, we would have never survived this long."
—Cowboy's last words

While Kane mocked the remainders of the once-large company and then Turok for his earlier abandonment of Wolf Pack, Cowboy would speak up, stating that without Turok the team never would have survived as long as they did. Kane then cut him off mid-sentence, swiftly drawing his pistol and shooting Cowboy in the chest, killing him instantly.


Concept art[]


List of appearances[]

Characters of Turok
Whiskey Company CarterColeCowboyFosterGonzalesHendersonJerichoJoseph TurokLoganLewisParkerReeseShepardSladeUnidentified prisoner
Wolf Pack John GrimesRobert SladeRoland Kane
Miscellaneous Alpha TeamBeta TeamBravo TeamColombian drug cartelDelta TeamGamma Team (Whiskey Company)Gamma Team (Mendel-Gruman)Mendel-Gruman scientistsMendel-Gruman CorporationUnidentified Colombian girlV-M