Turok Wiki

"The Fireblade causes short range flame damage with a stream of deadly molten heat. Its Secondary function is a high-powered napalm grenade that can be launched long distances and burn enemies within its radius."
Turok manual[1]

The ESUS Fireblade flamethrower, also known as the Fireblade, is a ranged incendiary device manufactured by ESUS that was first introduced during the events of Turok. A rare weapon, the flamethrower was utilized by Pyro units within the Mendel-Gruman Corporation, while also becoming one of Slade's main weapons.


The Fireblade is a large weapon, looking akin to an assault rifle at a glance. It features a large, stocky frame, with vents along its sides. The weapon's gas is pushed through a cylindrical container mounted on top of its chassis and expelled through a narrow barrel, being ignited much akin to a traditional flamethrower. An underbarrel exists on this weapon to launch napalm grenades.



This flamethrower fills a similar role to Turok's FP9 SMG, providing a high burst of damage in a short range. Proving highly lethal, this weapon will effectively and literally cook anything it manages to touch. The light of the flame it launches can also scare off Soldier Bugs without touching them, akin to the ORO Enforcer shotgun and its flare launcher. Uniquely, this weapon can detonate geothermal vents, a trait exclusive to the Fireblade. Doing so can result in an explosion akin to the weapon's napalm grenade, and it becomes the focal gameplay mechanic of the Water Beast boss encounter.


Rare in multiplayer, the Fireblade loses a lot of its efficacy against actual players, with its major upsides being filled in by other pickups and weapons. As it maintains the statistics of its campaign variant, it features a very short range; its major upside involves damage taken slowing the player, as this, coupled with the mechanics of the flamethrower make it very easy to stunlock and kill an enemy within seconds.

Secondary function[]

The secondary function of the Fireblade is a napalm grenade; effectively a more lethal variation of the L66 pulse rifle's disruption grenade, or the Blackfly's proximity mine. This napalm grenade will instantly kill any target it touches past a Dilophosaurus.

Unlike the disruption grenade of the pulse rifle, only one napalm grenade can be loaded and fired at a time.


  • Flamethrower: Restores 1,200 points of Fireblade fuel and 4 napalm grenades.
  • Flamethrower ammo: Restores 600 points of Fireblade fuel and 1 napalm grenade.
  • Napalm grenade: Restores 1 napalm grenade.


"Hell yeah, I've been blasting lizards all morning! Now I get to barbeque 'em."
—Slade, upon receiving the Fireblade.

As Joseph Turok, Slade, and Reese returned to camp, Shepard would hand Slade a Fireblade much to the latter's delight. He would later use this weapon as he, Turok, and Carter were besieged by giant insects, although he would lose it when he fell into the subterranean tunnels below the surface.

Upon awakening, Turok would take Slade's flamethrower and burn his way through the winding caverns, eventually finding Slade, who was hiding from an enormous, eel-like creature. Utilizing nearby geothermal vents to his advantage, Turok slew the creature by blowing them up as it lunged, giving the Fireblade back to Slade as the beast died.

A few rare Mendel-Gruman Pyro units would be found utilizing the Fireblade following this, and overall, the weapon would see a low use between either Whiskey or Mendel-Gruman.

Achievements and Trophies[]

Below is a list of achievements and trophies related to the Fireblade flamethrower.

Icon Name Description Reward
Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - Arsenal (Unlocked) Arsenal Kill at least one enemy with every weapon in the game during public play (Locked)

An arsenal at your hands, you killed an enemy with every weapon in the game during public play (Unlocked)

20 Gamerscore icon

Production notes[]

This weapon was originally known as the ESUS Hellfire flamethrower, a name kept in renders dated to mid-late 2007.




List of appearances[]

Notes and references[]

  1. "Weapons List". Turok manual. Burbank, CA: Touchstone. p. 24.
Weapons of Turok
ORO ORO P23 combat knifeORO C9 Perforator compound bowORO HOG 9mm handgunORO FP9 SMGORO Enforcer shotgunORO L66 pulse rifleORO War Horse minigunORO RedFist RPGORO FG8 frag grenade
ESUS ESUS Blackfly sticky bomb gunESUS Fireblade flamethrower
TRIGLAV TRIGLAV 92 Stalker sniper rifle
Miscellaneous Weaponry C-4Free-standing turretOrbital defense arrayToxinSmoke grenade