Turok Wiki

"Yo, have you seen the dinosaurs, man?"
—Gonzales talking to Slade.

Gonzales was a member of Whiskey Company and Slade's best friend, making his first appearance during the events of Turok.


Shortly before the Whiskey Company ship was shot down, Gonzales was among the members of Whiskey being briefed by Cole on their current objective to capture Roland Kane. He would scoff at Joseph Turok's name during the briefing, and would be among those who survived the ship's crash landing on the terraformed planet.

As Turok, Slade, and Reese would arrive at the main crash site, Gonzales would greet the group alongside Shepard, marveling at the dinosaurs on the planet. Following Cowboy's injury by arrow, Gonzales would attempt to calm Logan down as the latter lashed out at Foster, before subsequently being forced into Mother Superior to find the comm unit with both Foster and Turok.


Upon arrival, Foster was quickly killed by a sniper's round, and Gonzales would help Turok clear a nearby base out in an attempt to find the comm unit's location. Upon killing the Mendel-Gruman forces stationed in the area, Gonzales hopped up onto a cliff and found the comm unit — right before Mama Scarface appeared from the treeline, grabbing a screaming Gonzales and taking him to her nest. His body was never recovered by Turok, and Slade would later pull a knife on him in response to his perceived abandonment of Gonzales, before Jericho stopped the incoming fight.

Production notes[]

A build of Turok dated to November 8, 2006 featured a much different outcome for both Down and Out and Heroes End. In this early build, both Slade and Carter would die at some point prior to Heroes End, and Gonzales, rather than dying during Mother Superior, would end up surviving alongside Logan, Reese, Turok, Cowboy, Shepard, and Jericho.

List of appearances[]

Characters of Turok
Whiskey Company CarterColeCowboyFosterGonzalesHendersonJerichoJoseph TurokLoganLewisParkerReeseShepardSladeUnidentified prisoner
Wolf Pack John GrimesRobert SladeRoland Kane
Miscellaneous Alpha TeamBeta TeamBravo TeamColombian drug cartelDelta TeamGamma Team (Whiskey Company)Gamma Team (Mendel-Gruman)Mendel-Gruman scientistsMendel-Gruman CorporationUnidentified Colombian girlV-M