- .50 Cal Cannon
- A'Kros, A'Lyn, and A'Synt
- AK-47
- AKS-47
- AR-15
- Acclaim Adventure Zone
- Acclaim Comics
- Acclaim Entertainment
- Acid Globber
- Adon
- Adon's grandmother
- Adon's mother
- Adon's mother (junior novels)
- Adon/Image Gallery
- Adon (Rage Wars)
- Adon (Rage Wars)/Image Gallery
- Airborne
- Airborne/Image Gallery
- Airstrike
- Aletopelta
- Alexornis
- Alien Infantry
- Alien Infantry/Image Gallery
- Alien Weapon
- Alien Weapon/Image Gallery
- Alison Fireseed
- Allosaurus
- Allosaurus/Image Gallery
- Alpha Fireborn
- Alpha Team
- Alphadon
- Altani Khan
- Amaranthine Accordance
- Amphitheater
- Amphitheater/Image Gallery
- An Eye for an Eye
- An Eye for an Eye/Image Gallery
- Anaki
- Ancient Calamity
- Ancient Exterminator
- Ancient Ruins
- Ancient Ruins/Image Gallery
- Ancient Warrior
- Ancient Warrior/Image Gallery
- Andar
- Andar (Gold Key)
- Andar (Valiant)
- Andar (animated movie)
- Andar (animated movie)/Image Gallery
- Andy
- Anep
- Anep/Image Gallery
- Angler Ribbon
- Aniwa
- Aniwa/Image Gallery
- Anklosaur
- Ankylosaurus
- Ankylosaurus/Image Gallery
- Antelope
- Anti-grav boots
- Anti-matter pulse sabot
- Apatosaurus
- Araissi
- Araissi Gun Nest
- Araissi Gun Nest/Image Gallery
- Araissi Missile Battery
- Araissi Missile Battery/Image Gallery
- Araissi Turret
- Araissi Turret/Image Gallery
- Aram Fireseed
- Archaeolemur
- Archaeopteryx
- Archelon
- Arena
- Arena/Image Gallery
- Aric Dacia
- Armored personnel carrier
- Arsenal
- Arsinoitherium
- Assault
- Assault/Image Gallery
- Assault Rifle
- Assault Rifle/Image Gallery
- Attack Robot
- Attack Robot/Image Gallery
- Attained 15 Frags In 5 Minutes
- Attained 25 Frags In 10 Minutes
- Auto Shotgun
- Auto Shotgun/Image Gallery
- Awakening the Giants: The Making of Turok
- Baboon
- Baboon/Image Gallery
- Back to the Skies
- Back to the Skies/Image Gallery
- Backpack
- Backpack/Image Gallery
- Bad Blood
- Bad Blood/Image Gallery
- Bad Blood/Video Gallery
- Baiya de Galyanna
- Bal
- Balrock
- Baptornis
- Barry Hackowitcz
- Barry Hackowitcz/Image Gallery
- Basic Training
- Basic Training/Image Gallery
- Bastille
- Bastille/Image Gallery
- Bat
- Bear
- Bear Fur (achievement)
- Bear Talisman
- Bearjaw knife
- Beating The Cooperative Scenario
- Beetle
- Beneath the Streets
- Beneath the Streets/Image Gallery
- Berengia Islandus
- Beretta PM12
- Berserker
- Beta Team
- Beware... Oblivion is at hand
- Big Game Ribbon
- Bighorn Sheep
- Bio-Bot
- Bio-Bot/Image Gallery
- Bio-Bot Elite
- Bio-Bot Elite (Rage Wars)
- Bio-Bot Elite (Rage Wars)/Image Gallery
- Bionosaur
- Bionosaur/Image Gallery
- Bionosaur Battle Tank
- Bird
- Bird (Dinosaur Hunter)
- Bird (Shadow of Oblivion)
- Bison
- Bit Managers
- Black Widow Spider Tank
- Blind One
- Blind One's Den
- Blind One's Den/Image Gallery
- Blind One Guardian (Rage Wars)
- Blind One Guardian (Rage Wars)/Image Gallery
- Blind fish
- Blockade
- Blockade/Image Gallery
- Blowgun
- Bomb Shelter
- Bomb Shelter/Image Gallery
- Bonnergulix Gigantica Rift
- Boomerang
- Boomerang/Image Gallery
- Boomstick
- Bottleneck
- Bottleneck/Image Gallery
- Bow
- Bow/Image Gallery
- Boxed Set
- Boxed Set/Image Gallery
- Brachiosaurus
- Brachiosaurus/Image Gallery
- Brain Surgeon
- Bravo Team
- Breakdown
- Breakdown/Image Gallery
- Breath of Life Talisman
- Breath of Life Talisman/Image Gallery
- Brian
- Brok
- Brokilandis
- Brontosaurus
- Bruckner's Tyrannosaurus rex
- Bruckner's Tyrannosaurus rex/Image Gallery
- Bull boat
- Bullfrog
- Bullseye
- Bullseye/Image Gallery
- Bunker
- Bunker/Image Gallery
- Butterfly
- By Your Powers Combined....
- Byron
- C-4
- Calloway Fireseed
- Campaigner
- Campaigner's Fortress
- Campaigner (Rage Wars)
- Campaigner (Rage Wars)/Image Gallery
- Campaigner (Valiant)
- Campaigner (cyborg)
- Campaigner (cyborg)/Image Gallery
- Campaigner (title)
- Campaigner (warlord)
- Campaigner (warlord)/Image Gallery
- Campaigner Sergeant
- Campaigner Sergeant/Image Gallery
- Campaigner Soldier
- Campaigner Soldier/Image Gallery
- Cancelled Turok film (Adam Beach project)
- Cancelled Turok film (Greg Russo project)
- Canoe
- Canyon Depths
- Canyon Depths/Image Gallery
- Canyon Run
- Canyon Run/Image Gallery
- Canyon of the Cave Men
- Carl Fireseed
- Carl Fireseed/Image Gallery
- Carnivorous plant
- Carnotaurus
- Carnotaurus/Image Gallery
- Carter
- Cathedral
- Cathedral/Image Gallery
- Catori
- Catori/Image Gallery
- Caudipteryx
- Cave Spider
- Cave Spider/Image Gallery
- Cave Worm
- Cave Worm/Image Gallery
- Cave of the Flying Things
- Cavemen
- Cavernok
- Caves1
- Caves1/Image Gallery
- Caves2
- Caves2/Image Gallery
- Caves3
- Caves3/Image Gallery
- Ceratogaulus
- Ceratosaurus
- Ceratosaurus/Image Gallery
- Cerebral Bore
- Cerebral Bore/Image Gallery
- Cerebral Burst
- Cerebral Burst/Image Gallery
- Cerebral Possessor
- Cerebral Possessor/Image Gallery
- Chagun
- Chaos in the Skies
- Chaos in the Skies/Image Gallery
- Charge Dart Rifle
- Charge Dart Rifle/Image Gallery
- Chasmosaurus
- Cheat codes
- Chest Burster
- Chest Burster/Image Gallery
- Chichak
- Chichak (animated movie)
- Chichak (animated movie)/Image Gallery
- Chicken
- Chief (Lanok's people)
- Children
- Children/Image Gallery
- Chimpanzee
- Chimpanzee/Image Gallery
- Chronoscepter
- Chronoscepter/Image Gallery
- Citima
- City1
- City1/Image Gallery
- City2
- City2/Image Gallery
- City3
- City3/Image Gallery
- City4
- City4/Image Gallery
- City5
- City5/Image Gallery
- City Breach
- City Breach/Image Gallery
- Clay Jakashawah
- Cliff People
- Cloaking Belt
- Close Quartered
- Close Quartered/Image Gallery
- Club
- Coelacanthus
- Coelophysis
- Cole
- Colombian drug cartel
- Colt Dragoon
- Combat Run
- Combat Run/Image Gallery
- Comics
- Coming In Last
- Communications unit
- Compound Wall
- Compound Wall/Image Gallery
- Compsognathus
- Compsognathus/Image Gallery
- Condor
- Corythosaurus
- Corythosaurus/Image Gallery
- Cougar
- Cougar Talisman
- Council of Voices
- Council of Voices/Image Gallery
- Courtyard
- Courtyard/Image Gallery
- Cowboy
- Cowlishank
- Coyote Talisman
- Crane
- Crazy Eight
- Crazy Eight/Image Gallery
- Crocodile
- Crocodile/Image Gallery
- Crossbow
- Crossbow/Image Gallery
- Crossfire
- Crossfire/Image Gallery
- Crossroads
- Crossroads/Image Gallery
- Crow
- Crushing Conclusion (Dinosaur Hunter)
- Crushing Conclusion (Seeds of Evil)
- Crushing Conclusion (disambiguation)
- Crust
- Crypts
- Crypts/Image Gallery
- Cyborg
- Cyborg/Image Gallery
- Cyborg Sergeant
- Cyborg Sergeant/Image Gallery
- Dam the Defenses
- Dam the Defenses/Image Gallery
- Dan Curtis Giveaway 5
- Danielle Fireseed
- Danielle Fireseed/Image Gallery
- Dark Horse Comics
- Dark Jungle
- Dark Jungle (location)
- Dark Jungle (location)/Image Gallery
- Dark Jungle (location)/Video Gallery
- Dark Matter Cube
- Dark Matter Cube/Image Gallery
- Deadkin
- Deadman
- Deadman/Image Gallery
- Deadman Half
- Deadman Half/Image Gallery
- Deadside