Turok Wiki

Mendel-Gruman Heavy Weapons are a heavy specialized unit employed by the Mendel-Gruman Corporation. First being seen as Mendel made their attack on Whiskey Company's camp, these units are relatively rare during the events of Turok.


Following the appearance of the Elite, Heavy Weapons units are part of the heavy-armored class of Mendel-Gruman personnel. They feature drab, military green armor, a raised collar in comparison to either the Elite or the Pyro units, mesh-armored wrists, and closed-in thigh armor like the Elite. Their visor is a bright gray-silver, and doesn't shift colors when the unit is alerted to danger.


Heavy Weapons units are a truly specialized MG unit, utilizing the ORO War Horse minigun during gameplay, a weapon with a high RPM and damage. As taking damage in Turok both hurts and slows the player, this results in a deadly combination where a simple burst of fire can result in an immediate death. Unlike RPG and Elite units, which can utilize the secondary function of their weapon, Heavy Weapons units will rarely if ever do it outside of their introduction.

Much like Elites, these units are also able to survive an impact from a moderately drawn Perforator arrow. Heavy Weapons units are highly susceptible to headshots, with only one being enough to kill this unit.


Heavy Weapons units would first be deployed after Joseph Turok arrived at Whiskey's camp, following his intense fight with Mama Scarface. Arriving in a helicopter, a duo of Heavy Weapons units would immediately slay Parker, catching him in the open with their War Horses. Joseph and Slade would encounter more of these units in the subterranean tunnels under the planet's surface. They would be one of the only units to not fall immediate prey to the large insects inhabiting the caverns.

As the two arrived back on the surface, they would encounter multiple Heavy Weapons units arriving alongside APCs, and after rendezvousing with Logan and Whiskey's remnants, more would arrive in an attempt to slay the squad. Following Shepard and Turok's infiltration of the abandoned MG complex, a dedicated squad known as V-M would be tasked with killing the survivors in the area, with a few Heavy units being a part of it. They would be sparingly encountered as Whiskey breached the large MG facility nearby, being the last line of defense for multiple squads Whiskey came across.

After Joseph's C-4 was detonated the base would be sent into a meltdown, with Heavy units being among the survivors attempting to escape; one fell to a rogue Soldier Bug that had escaped containment, and others were found engaging Razor Wings that had entered the complex earlier. They would also be among the last units Joseph ever encountered, as they would successfully attempt to stop him from reaching Roland Kane.

Achievements and Trophies[]

Below is a list of achievements and trophies related to the MG Heavy Weapons.

Icon Name Description Reward
Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... BOOM! (Unlocked) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... BOOM! Kill 3 Soldiers with one Frag Grenade in the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

With a well-placed toss, you killed 3 Soldiers with one grenade in the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

15 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - Impaler Ribbon (Unlocked) Impaler Ribbon Pin an enemy to the wall with an arrow in the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

With tremendous force, you pinned an enemy to the wall with an arrow in the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

10 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - It's A Trap! (Unlocked) It's A Trap! Get dinos to kill 5 soldiers by sticking them with the flare in the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

Successfully lured dinos to kill 5 soldiers during the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

15 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - Loud Love (Unlocked) Loud Love Kill 3 soldiers with one ORO Copperhead Rocket Launcher shot in the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

To conserve ammo, you killed 3 soldiers with one Rocket Launcher shot in the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

15 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - Man or Animal (Unlocked) Man or Animal Record 100 stealth kills of soldiers with the ORO P23 Combat Knife (Locked)

Out of the shadows you stealthily knife-killed 100 soldiers during the Single-Player campaign (Unlocked)

30 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - Pincushion (Unlocked) Pincushion Pin 50 enemies with the Bow in the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

You decoratively pinned 50 enemies with the Bow during the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

25 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - Sniper! (Unlocked) Sniper! Head shot 10 enemies in a row during the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

You mercilessly head-shot 10 enemies in a row during the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

40 Gamerscore icon


Concept art[]


List of appearances[]

Enemies of Turok
Saurian Creatures BrachiosaurusDilophosaurusEchindonGiganotosaurusLurkerMini-RaptorParasaurolophusTyrannosaurus rex (Juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex) • Unidentified giant theropodUtahraptor
Various Species PteranodonRazor WingSoldier Bug
Humanoid Enemies
Standard Infantry Grunt/VeteranRPGSniper
Heavy Infantry EliteHeavy WeaponsPyro
Miscellaneous Scientist
Wildlife Bosses Mama ScarfaceWater Beast
Humanoid Bosses Roland KaneSpider Tank