Turok Wiki

Mendel-Gruman RPGs are a high-explosive unit employed by the Mendel-Gruman Corporation. A specialized unit, MG RPG units appear moderately throughout Turok.


RPG units feature armor almost identical to a Grunt or Veteran, swapping navy blue or gold accents for pure gunmetal and silver. While their chest, wrist and shin armor matches a Grunt or Veteran, their helmet and shoulders feature a new design, including a unified visor, and smaller bicep armor plating.


In spite of their name, RPG soldiers don't exclusively use RedFist RPGs. They will be commonly seen utilizing Enforcer shotguns to a great effect, including the weapon's flare functionality, making it possible for this enemy type to draw saurian adversaries to players.


RPG units would first be encountered by Joseph Turok shortly after he and Slade rendezvoused with Reese. Utilizing Enforcers at this point in the conflict against Whiskey Company, they would be present with Grunts, small-arms wielding Sniper units, and Elites as all nearby units unsuccessfully attempted to halt the trio's advance.

These specific soldiers would be present as Turok attempted to rescue and evacuate Cowboy from an area near Mother Superior. As Foster, Gonzales, and Turok later entered Mother Superior, they'd encounter more of these units in a decrepit, abandoned base.

A solitary RedFist-wielding variant of this soldier would be encountered in the assault on the Whiskey Company crash site, alongside many Enforcer-wielding soldiers; the former nearly killing Turok with a near-miss RedFist shot. Following this, Turok and Slade would encounter more of this unit in the winding caverns under the planet's surface.

Upon rendezvousing with Logan and the rest of Whiskey, in an attempt to take over a nearby MG base, a convoy would inadvertently come across the remnant squad. With an engagement quickly erupting in the forest, Logan would die, while Turok, Jericho, and Shepard would push through the convoy's remnants, including multiple RPG soldiers. V-M, a unique multi-class unit would be wiped out by Shepard and Turok as they entered the facility, following Jericho's demise.

With the invasion of a large MG complex near an erupting volcano, RPG units would be present in great numbers around the area. While MG forces would attempt to hold fast, Whiskey would succeed in entering the base, with Turok planting C-4 on the base's generator. As the C-4 detonated and crippled the base's generators, the final three members of Whiskey would escape the area in the chaos.

As Turok made his final push to find Roland Kane in the wake of the base's destruction, multiple Enforcer-clad RPG soldiers would be in the last waves of MG soldiers attempting to stop him.

Achievements and Trophies[]

Below is a list of achievements and trophies related to the MG RPG.

Icon Name Description Reward
Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... BOOM! (Unlocked) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... BOOM! Kill 3 Soldiers with one Frag Grenade in the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

With a well-placed toss, you killed 3 Soldiers with one grenade in the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

15 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - Impaler Ribbon (Unlocked) Impaler Ribbon Pin an enemy to the wall with an arrow in the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

With tremendous force, you pinned an enemy to the wall with an arrow in the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

10 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - Loud Love (Unlocked) Loud Love Kill 3 soldiers with one ORO Copperhead Rocket Launcher shot in the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

To conserve ammo, you killed 3 soldiers with one Rocket Launcher shot in the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

15 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - Man or Animal (Unlocked) Man or Animal Record 100 stealth kills of soldiers with the ORO P23 Combat Knife (Locked)

Out of the shadows you stealthily knife-killed 100 soldiers during the Single-Player campaign (Unlocked)

30 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - Pincushion (Unlocked) Pincushion Pin 50 enemies with the Bow in the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

You decoratively pinned 50 enemies with the Bow during the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

25 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - It's A Trap! (Unlocked) It's A Trap! Get dinos to kill 5 soldiers by sticking them with the flare in the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

Successfully lured dinos to kill 5 soldiers during the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

15 Gamerscore icon

Turok (2008 video game) - Achievement icon - Sniper! (Unlocked) Sniper! Head shot 10 enemies in a row during the Story Mode campaign (Locked)

You mercilessly head-shot 10 enemies in a row during the Story Mode campaign (Unlocked)

40 Gamerscore icon

Production notes[]

Contrary to their name, MG RPG units commonly wield the Enforcer shotgun as opposed to the RedFist RPG. In an ironic twist, the sole RedFist-equipped RPG unit seen during Killing Fields also isn't actually an MG RPG unit, but instead an MG Grunt in jungle green attire. This erroneous role-swapping would also occur with normally sniper-dedicated MG units using FP9 SMGs during the events of The Lost Land.

The common use of the Enforcer for this MG unit also seems to imply the MG RPG inherited the MG Veteran's original role[1], as the Veteran was intended to be a shotgunning unit with limited range, but ultimately wound up being an MG Grunt retool.

List of appearances[]

  • Turok (First appearance)

Notes and references[]

  1. Sims, Jennifer (February 1, 2008). "Characters". Turok Official Strategy Guide. United States: Buena Vista Games. p. 21.
Enemies of Turok
Saurian Creatures BrachiosaurusDilophosaurusEchindonGiganotosaurusLurkerMini-RaptorParasaurolophusTyrannosaurus rex (Juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex) • Unidentified giant theropodUtahraptor
Various Species PteranodonRazor WingSoldier Bug
Humanoid Enemies
Standard Infantry Grunt/VeteranRPGSniper
Heavy Infantry EliteHeavy WeaponsPyro
Miscellaneous Scientist
Wildlife Bosses Mama ScarfaceWater Beast
Humanoid Bosses Roland KaneSpider Tank